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Poisson cru à la tahitienne - Tahitian raw fish

Writer's picture: Daniele AlemagnaDaniele Alemagna

Tahitian raw fish (i'a ota, in the Tahitian language, or ika mata, in the Cook Islands) is a traditional gastronomic speciality of the cuisine of Tahiti, based on raw fish cooked in lemon and lime juices and served with coconut milk. After being well washed, the vegetables should be kept in the refrigerator until the tuna is marinated. Tuna should be marinated in the fridge. Since it is a dish based on raw fish, the tuna must be fresh.


  • 1 piece red or white tuna

  • 1 tomato

  • 1 cucumber

  • 1 onion

  • 1 spring onion

  • 1small capsicum (Optional)

  • 250 ml coconut milk

  • Salt

  • 1 lemon

  • 2 lime

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🍷 Recommended Wine: Pond Paddock Zarathustra Sauvignon Blanc

👩🏻‍🍳 Cuisine: Tahitian 🇵🇫

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 Yield: 4 servings


Preparation: 15 minutes


Resting :

😰 Level: easy

💰 Cost (NZ): $$$$


  1. Cut the tuna into dice, and put the pieces in the sea or salted water.

  2. Meanwhile, cut the onion into slices.

  3. Cut the cucumber lengthwise and deseed it, then cut it into strips

  4. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and deseed them.

  5. Cut the capsicum lengthwise and deseed it (Optional).

  6. Put the vegetables in a salad bowl.

  7. Drain the tuna, and place it in a bowl.

  8. Squeeze the lemon and limes over the tuna and let it macerate for 2 minutes while stirring. The tuna will start "cooking" with the citrus juice.

  9. Drain the tuna and mix with the vegetables and add the coconut milk.

  10. Mix everything and season to taste.

  11. Chop the spring onion and sprinkle it over the dish.



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